On the first weekend of December Santa Claus arrived at Mákviragok Pre and elementary school. The kids were singing and said the poem, and they got many candys. Click on the title for more photos.
On the first weekend of December Santa Claus arrived at Mákviragok Pre and elementary school. The kids were singing and said the poem, and they got many candys. Click on the title for more photos.
The Mákvirágok Preschool and Elementary School’s student were succesful at Hungarian Sport Cup, Sorrento in 2019. The kids running, played pentathlon, handball, and played kids soccer. The student have performed the birth of the Olimpics.
On the first weekend of November we celebrated the St. Martin’s Day. According to this custom, around or on St. Martin’s Day, children walked in processions carrying lanterns, which they made in school , singing songs. The lanters are made by the children with their parents. The children showed Hungarian Dance and the Ludas Matyi…
The Mákvirágok Preschool and Elementary School organized the school year opening ceremony on the 7th of September. All child was chatting about their summer experiences.